
How to do a tractor tyre inspection?

Thu, 5 Dec 2024 | PRODUCTS


Tractors are not what they used to be. But no matter how huge, powerful, and bombard-safe your working mate is, one thing remains. He still touches the ground through a set of tyres. Your tyres treat you and your tractor the way you treat them. Taking good care thus serves you and your tractor longer, helping you get everything out of your investment. So, when inspecting tractors, remember to pay a lot of attention to the tyres so you don’t have to regret it later.  

How often should I check my tractor?

Two good rules are not meant to be broken. First, schedule a basic control to thoroughly inspect your tractor before running or working on it daily. Go through all the most important things every time you climb in and every time the day is over

inspect tractor

Remember to lower all those heavy tools you’ve used on the ground. Carrying loads for a long time can deteriorate your farm tractor tyres. Make it into a habit.

place tools

Second, it’s finally time to pick up that owner's manual we sometimes take for granted. Actually, go through that for all the other schedules and practices. That is your source of information number one, and it’s essential.


If you don’t have it or if there is anything unclear, ask your tractor dealer for advice. We’re sure he will be more than willing to help.


If you’re looking for deeper, detailed information on best practices or other farmers' experiences, go online. You’ll surely find a lot of helpful information there.


What does this everyday control include? 

Checking the oil is essential. But that’s just one. You must also regularly check each battery cell's transmission fluids and water level, depending on how long you’ve driven the tractor. Don’t forget to check your air filter every eight hours of operation.

check oils

But let’s say your most important everyday tool is your eyes. See how your tractor tyres and rims look. Be alert to any changes. Most minor problems are easy to repair. But if you ignore them, they can become huge problems, and with time, they can dent your wallet.

dont ignore

What exactly should I look at to prevent time and money loss?

It is vital to keep your tractor clean. Remove any major dirt and grass clippings right after you use the tractor.

remove dirt

But don’t overdo it here. Less is more. Water and mild soap work fine with most dirt. And it’s important to let the tractor dry well out between washings.


While inspecting your tractor, you may notice worn clamps, bolts, or screws. Replace them immediately.

worn out

Also, don’t forget to tighten any loose connections. You definitely don’t want to fall apart on the field.

Should I inspect the loader?

Of course. Don’t be lazy. Make absolutely sure that the loader and other attachments are connected properly.


Check all the connections and ensure no leaks, hoses, or signs of cracking, rot or damage in the belts.


Periodically, apply lubricating oil to your tractor's nuts, bolts and joints. This helps prevent rusting and seizing up. It’s a part of your tractor after all.


Another way to determine if your tractor works fine is to drive it. Your seat is quite a trustworthy indicator of problems that may arise. You should ask yourself how the ride quality or the traction is. You are the best subjective test driver of your vehicle.

What should I do if I notice something unusual in the ride quality?

Of course, you must identify the root of the problem first. After that, it should be relatively simple to make different adjustments.


The secret to your tractor’s long life lies in the little details. 

  • Visually inspecting vehicle, loader, tyres, and rims before and after use.

  • Keeping the vehicle and its parts clean.

  • Immediately repairing all damages.