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Tips for an Effective Preventative Farm Tire Replacement Program

Mon, 27 Feb 2023 | PRODUCTS


When is a good time to replace your farm tires? Hopefully before you have a tire failure in the field or on the road! The first part of a preventative replacement tire program is:

Complete and thorough assessment of all of the tires in your fleet. Ideally, this should be done when fall harvest is complete, but it is never too late to take this important action.

Next, inspect any damaged areas and make proper repairs if appropriate. If any damaged areas have exposed cords, that tire will fail . . . and probably at a very inconvenient time!

Are the tires wearing evenly? If you experience uneven wear, there may be a mechanical reason that likely can be corrected. Also, air pressures should be recorded because under inflation, as well as over inflation, can cause wear patterns that should be corrected.

Measure tread depth on periodic basis. Measure and record the remaining tread depths on your tires. As you compile tread depth information from year to year you can predict the remaining service life of your tires. If the remaining tread depths are different for tires on the same piece of equipment, a rotation may enable you to extend the service life of the tires.

Are your tires incurring any stubble damage? If you find any exposed cords on a tire, that tire needs to be replaced. Front tractor and combine tires are the most likely to incur damage.  Is it time to replace or possibly rotate tires to extend the service life? Also, do your tires have a field hazard warranty? CEAT farm radials come with a 3-year field hazard warranty in addition to a 7-year manufacturer’s warranty.

There will be failures, and downtime that are disruptive and quite expensive. The goal of any preventative maintenance program is to reduce failures and problems to a minimum.

Farm tractor tires and implement tires are obviously essential components in any farm and ranch operation. A good preventative maintenance program will help you get the most value from your tire investment.

CEAT radials are backed by a 7 year limited manufacturer’s warranty.