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customer testimonials

Talkin’ Peanuts Here!

Fri, 29 Oct 2021 | customer testimonials


Who doesn’t love peanuts? Well most of us do anyway!

Representatives of CEAT Specialty Tires got a special treat recently with a visit to Big Creek Farms, a very large peanut farming operation located in Lakeland, GA, a few miles from Valdosta in the southeastern corner of the state.

Farm owner Justin Studstill, who purchased his first set of CEAT Ag radial tires (FARMAX R80, size 480/80R46 R1-W R) last March, graciously invited CEAT folks down to see the tires and his operation in action. And what an operation it is – they grow and harvest more than 6,000 acres of peanuts each year. If you enjoy a pack of M&M’s chocolate peanuts every now and then, you may very well have eaten some of the nuts grown at Big Creek Farms.

Joining Studstill during harvest time last week were Monty Hawthorne, director of sales for CEAT Specialty Tires, and Brick

Oltmann, who oversees quality assurance for American Omni Trading (AOT), a company responsible for importing a significant share of CEAT Ag tires into North America.

Studstill only started using CEAT tires during the last planting season, but there’s little doubt he will be purchasing more! First of all, there’s the roadability. “We plant and harvest peanuts in about a 60 square mile area so our tractors spend a lot of time on the road,” he notes. “The CEAT tires provide a good stable ride. They don’t get squirrelly like some of the brands we’ve used. And it looks like the tread wear is going to be outstanding.”

Studstill says the traction provided by the CEAT tires is as good as any of the major Ag tire brands he has run on, and the acquisition price is very favorable compared to these so-called “name brands.”

Compaction in the sandy soil at Big Creek Farms is also a major concern, and Studstill says the square footprint of the CEAT FARMAX R80 is adept at reducing compaction and protecting the soil for many seasons to come. They definitely have the long view at Big Creek Farms – Studstill’s great grandfather first started growing peanuts there in 1905.

On the day of the CEAT visit, there were 21 John Deere tractors pulling Amadas harvesters and making quick work of a big field of peanuts. Click here to see a brief video of the equipment kicking into action.

So we had to ask. Justin, what is your favorite brand of peanut butter? “I have to be honest. By the time we get through with harvesting, I don’t want to see a jar of peanut butter,” he laughed. He did allow, though, that Snickers is his favorite candy bar featuring peanuts.

We sincerely appreciate Big Creek Farms becoming a CEAT customer and hope to visit them next year to measure how the CEAT tires are performing on tread wear.

CEAT’s Monty Hawthorne (left) with Brick Oltmann of AOT and farmer Justin Studstill (right).


Justin Studstill with one of his 21 John Deere tractors.