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Flotation Tires Growing in Use as Ag Equipment Grows in Size

Mon, 19 Feb 2024 | PRODUCTS


Flotation tires are being used more and more on North American farms because of the increasing weight of the equipment and wagons and the load carrying capacities needed.

Rather than digging and clawing through terrain, flotation tires conquer difficult loose terrain primarily by expanding the tire’s contact patch and “floating” on top of the surface.

Flotation is the ability of a tire to stay on the surface of soft ground, soil or snow without rutting or digging as much into the surface.

The newest flotation tire from CEAT Specialty is the FLOATMAX CARGO PLUS, which offers high traction, stubble puncture protection, uniform pressure distribution, and minimal soil/crop damage for tank and trailer applications. Available initially in size 28LR26, more sizes and a VF variant are planned for release towards the end of this year.

The FLOATMAX CARGO PLUS was developed on the recommendation of the folks at Millersburg Tire Service, a longtime CEAT dealer in Ohio.

According to John Miller of Millersburg Tire Service, “We mentioned to the CEAT folks the need for this tank tire and provided input of what we thought would improve the product over current designs. With CEAT’s willingness to grow in this market we had the new FLOATMAX CARGO PLUS within a year.”

CEAT Specialty offers a wide range of flotation tires, including the CEAT Flotation TX 440 recommended for use on trailers. The TX440 provides many benefits for agricultural applications, including minimal compaction to the soil while providing outstanding grip in the field.

In addition to keeping farm vehicles above ground, flotation tires minimize soil disturbance in agricultural environments, as compared to other types of tires that tend to dig in and damage the soil. Soil compaction occurs when soil particles are pressed together, reducing pore space between them. Heavily compacted soils contain few large pores, less total pore volume and, consequently, a greater density. A compacted soil has a reduced rate of both water infiltration and drainage. This happens because large pores more effectively move water downward through the soil than smaller pores. In most cases, the more soil compaction, the less crop yield.

FLOATMAX CARGO PLUS being prepared for installation at Millersburg Tire Serfice.

Flotation TX 440 Trailer Tire