
Knowing Your Ag Tire Definitions Can Save Farmers Money

Tue, 25 Feb 2025 | PRODUCTS


Looking to purchase farm tractor tires? it is good to understand the key definitions so you can have a productive, informed discussion with your local tire dealer.

Here are some important definitions you need to know to ensure you make the right choice for your specific needs:

1. Bias Construction — bias ply cords extend diagonally from bead to bead on the tire. Bias tires might be a viable alternative, but they do not provide the benefits of radial technology. If you want the best traction possible, improved efficiency, larger footprints, reduced compaction, a better ride, or any of the above, you need to stick with radials. Bias Ag tires do not deliver these improved features due to the carcass design.

In most cases, the bias tire will be less expensive than the radial but not always. Pricing differentials have narrowed in the last few years. It is always good to check both if you are considering bias tires. Another very important factor is the service life of a comparable radial . . . about 30% longer than the bias. However, bias tires can be the right choice for certain applications; your trusted tire dealer can help guide you in deciding whether to go radial or bias.

2. Compound — a particular blend of rubber and other raw materials enabling desired performance characteristics of the tire. For instance, the CEAT Torquemax radial tire features a compound that provides durability and ensures resistance to chipping and cuts. Meant for high power tractors, the Torquemax ensures a constant and smooth transfer of torque from the tractor to the ground.

3. Flotation — defines tires with wider section widths than standard tires; designed to improve traction and reduce soil compaction, while enabling the equipment to operate in wet mucky conditions. The new CEAT Flotation VF X3, for example, features a big center block at the tread center that provides more traction. For reduced soil compaction, this VF flotation tire can operate with 40 percent less inflation pressure than a standard radial tire or carry 40 percent more load at the same air pressure as a standard radial.

5. Load Carrying Capacity — amount of weight the tire is certified to carry at a specified air pressure. Talk to your tire dealer and consult tire manufacturer load tables.

6. Load Index — an assigned number equating to the load carrying capacity of the tire.

7. Radial tire — produced with radial cords extending at right angles from bead to bead across the tread that “radiate” from the imaginary center of the wheel, allowing the tread to act independent of the sidewall, resulting in a larger footprint compared to bias tires. If you want the best traction possible, improved efficiency, larger footprints, reduced compaction, a better ride, or any of the above, you need radial tires.

CEAT radial tires offer low compaction, high traction, and high roadability. With tilted lug tips, the FARMAX R65 radial tractor tire, for example, delivers superior operator comfort, with less vibration and noise. A higher angle and lug overlap at the center offers superior roadability.

Tires are a major operating expense for farmers. It pays to do your homework and consult with your trusted tire dealer to make an informed buying decision.