
How to pick the perfect trailer tyre

Tue, 2 Aug 2022 | PRODUCTS


Whether your trailer spends most of its time moving grain, bales or silage at high speed on the road, operating on difficult soil conditions during root harvest or working around the yard on concrete, there are different trailer tyre characteristics that suit each scenario, helping minimise both trailer tyre wear and soil impact. When browsing the internet for ‘trailer tyres for sale’ or ‘trailer tyres near me’, or studying trailer tyres’ price lists, carefully consider the merits offered by each to help you make the best choice.

Want the ultimate in soil protection?

For trailer tasks that are largely based on field work, flotation trailer tyres are the best option if minimising soil compaction and the fuel and cultivation costs of rectifying it to protect following crop growth and soil structure are your priorities. For example, CEAT Flotation T422 I1 bias flotation trailer tyres feature a tough nylon casing and strong bead bundle, giving them high load-carrying ability, but at the same time they hold a large air volume, producing a large footprint to spread the trailer’s weight over as large an area as possible. In addition, their design includes rounded shoulders that ensure minimal damage to both crops and soils as the trailer passes through the field. Other options with similar characteristics include the CEAT TR800 bias flotation tyre, well-suited to those looking for a 400/60 R15.5 trailer tyre.

For soft soils and difficult conditions – when hauling from a root crop harvester working on soft, black peat, for example – you should consider premium-specification CEAT Flotation Plus or Flotation TX trailer tyres. Flotation Plus trailer tyres area available in either 480/45-17 or 500/50-17 trailer tyre sizes, offering characteristics including maximum floatability. However, for trailer tyres that provide the maximum possible ground contact patch, CEAT Flotation TX 440 trailer tyres are available in sizes from 500/60-22.5 to 700/40-22.5.

Spend a lot of time hauling on the road?

If your trailer is used largely for hauling from the field to the farm or any other work that’s largely road-based, the tread on Floatmax RT radial trailer tyres incorporates robust centre blocks for that minimise noise at speed on tarmac and concrete surfaces. Their performance isn’t limited to the highway, though – a flatter crown width results in a larger footprint, spreading the trailer load over the maximum possible area and helping minimising field compaction. A tread pattern of inter-connected grooves helps the trailer tyre to self-clean, minimising the amount of soil taken onto the road.

Perhaps your trailer works on softer ground?

For trailer haulage on loose soils and soft field surfaces, additional traction and stability for greater grip may be your priority. In this case, CEAT Floatmax FT trailer tyres provide enhanced flotation traits designed to help minimise compaction, with consequent benefits for crop growth. These traits include a wider and flatter crown that spreads the load, and a high air volume.

Just need something to suit a trailer that doesn’t do big road travel?

If your trailer rarely works at speed or is used on the road infrequently and for short distances, a lower-cost bias or cross-ply trailer tyre may suffice. One example is the CEAT T422 Value Pro flotation trailer tyre, which has a large air volume and footprint, providing maximum ground contact and minimal soil compaction. Rounded shoulders help minimise crop damage.

Picking the perfect trailer tyre is a matter of identifying your trailer’s key workloads and selecting on the basis of the characteristics needed for its primary tasks. As detailed above, compromise isn’t always necessary – modern trailer tyre designs such as those from CEAT Specialty offer many universal features. Bear these in mind and select according to your trailer’s major tasks when you’re next looking for new trailer tyres , perhaps by searching the internet for ‘trailer tyres for sale’ or ‘trailer tyres near me’, or studying trailer tyres’ price lists.