

Turf/Utility Tractor Tyres in UK
  • check-iconUnique rounded shoulder block Design ensures, no turf damage and ease while turning.
  • check-iconThe specific tread pattern enlarge the contact area where the tread meets the turf; improving stability & traction also equally load distribution.
  • check-iconHigh tread depth with more rubber on the contact surface assures better performance in all soil and turf conditions
  • check-iconUnique Alignment of Blocks provides excellent steering stability and improved lateral traction and enables self-cleaning.

Features & Benefits of Turf XL Tyres


More rubber on the contact surface

Better performance in all soil and turf conditions


Unique rounded shoulder block design

No turf damage and ease while turning


Specific tread pattern

Improving stability & traction also equally load disrtribution


Unique alignment of blocks

Excellent steering stability and improved lateral traction enables self-cleaning


High tread depth

Better performance in all soil and turf conditions


Enlarged contact area

Improving stability & traction


Turf/Utility Tractor Tyres in UK
  • check-iconUnique rounded shoulder block Design ensures, no turf damage and ease while turning.
  • check-iconThe specific tread pattern enlarge the contact area where the tread meets the turf; improving stability & traction also equally load distribution.
  • check-iconHigh tread depth with more rubber on the contact surface assures better performance in all soil and turf conditions
  • check-iconUnique Alignment of Blocks provides excellent steering stability and improved lateral traction and enables self-cleaning.

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Table of Specifications

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 13.6-16
    • TL
    • 96 A8
    • 4
    • W12 X 16
    • 365
    • 960
    • 420
    • -
    • -
    • 2850
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 24x8.5-14
    • TL
    • 94A2
    • 4
    • 7JA x14
    • 215
    • 615
    • 280
    • -
    • -
    • 1830
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 25x8.5-14
    • TL
    • 107 A2
    • 6
    • 7JA x14
    • 220
    • 660
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1960
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 38x14-20
    • TL
    • 110B
    • 4
    • W11 x20
    • 355
    • 975
    • 420
    • -
    • -
    • 2900
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 131 A2
    • 12
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 307
    • 648
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1920
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 127 A2
    • 10
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 307
    • 648
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1920
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 106 A2
    • 4
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 307
    • 648
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1920
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 23x10.5-12
    • TL
    • 113 A2
    • 8
    • 8.5x12
    • 265
    • 585
    • 270
    • -
    • -
    • 1740
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 123 A2
    • 8
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 307
    • 648
    • 300
    • -
    • -
    • 1920
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 13.6-16
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 96 A8
    • PR 4
    • RIM W12 X 16
    • SW 365
    • OD 960
    • SLR 420
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 2850
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 24x8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 94A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 7JA x14
    • SW 215
    • OD 615
    • SLR 280
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1830
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 25x8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 107 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 7JA x14
    • SW 220
    • OD 660
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1960
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 38x14-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 110B
    • PR 4
    • RIM W11 x20
    • SW 355
    • OD 975
    • SLR 420
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 2900
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 131 A2
    • PR 12
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 307
    • OD 648
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1920
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 127 A2
    • PR 10
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 307
    • OD 648
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1920
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 106 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 307
    • OD 648
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1920
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 23x10.5-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 113 A2
    • PR 8
    • RIM 8.5x12
    • SW 265
    • OD 585
    • SLR 270
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1740
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 123 A2
    • PR 8
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 307
    • OD 648
    • SLR 300
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 1920
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes
    • Type
    • LI/SS
    • PR
    • RIM
    • SW
    • OD
    • SLR
    • Flange Height
    • SC
    • RC
    • SRI
    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 13.6-16
    • TL
    • 96 A8
    • 4
    • W12 X 16
    • 14.4
    • 37.8
    • 16.5
    • -
    • -
    • 112.2
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 24x8.5-14
    • TL
    • 94A2
    • 4
    • 7JA x14
    • 8.5
    • 24.2
    • 11.0
    • -
    • -
    • 72.0
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 25x8.5-14
    • TL
    • 107 A2
    • 6
    • 7JA x14
    • 8.7
    • 26.0
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 77.2
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 38x14-20
    • TL
    • 110B
    • 4
    • W11 x20
    • 14
    • 38.4
    • 16.5
    • -
    • -
    • 114.2
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 131 A2
    • 12
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 12.1
    • 25.5
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 75.6
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 127 A2
    • 10
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 12.1
    • 25.5
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 75.6
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 106 A2
    • 4
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 12.1
    • 25.5
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 75.6
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 23x10.5-12
    • TL
    • 113 A2
    • 8
    • 8.5x12
    • 10.4
    • 23.0
    • 10.6
    • -
    • -
    • 68.5
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • plus-icon minus-icon
    • 26x12.00-12
    • TL
    • 123 A2
    • 8
    • 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • 12.1
    • 25.5
    • 11.8
    • -
    • -
    • 75.6
    • -

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 13.6-16
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 96 A8
    • PR 4
    • RIM W12 X 16
    • SW 14.4
    • OD 37.8
    • SLR 16.5
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 112.2
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 24x8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 94A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 7JA x14
    • SW 8.5
    • OD 24.2
    • SLR 11.0
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 72.0
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 25x8.5-14
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 107 A2
    • PR 6
    • RIM 7JA x14
    • SW 8.7
    • OD 26.0
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 77.2
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 38x14-20
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 110B
    • PR 4
    • RIM W11 x20
    • SW 14
    • OD 38.4
    • SLR 16.5
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 114.2
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 131 A2
    • PR 12
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 25.5
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 75.6
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 127 A2
    • PR 10
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 25.5
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 75.6
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 106 A2
    • PR 4
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 25.5
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 75.6
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 23x10.5-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 113 A2
    • PR 8
    • RIM 8.5x12
    • SW 10.4
    • OD 23.0
    • SLR 10.6
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 68.5
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

    • Sizes 26x12.00-12
      plus-icon minus-icon
    • LI/SS 123 A2
    • PR 8
    • RIM 10.50 I - 55 ; I - 70
    • SW 12.1
    • OD 25.5
    • SLR 11.8
    • Flange Height -
    • SC -
    • RC 75.6
    • SRI -
    • Type TL

    Recommeded Load

    Recommeded Load

More Turf/Utility Tractor Products

    TURF XL-Image


    • Improves stability, traction and equal load distribution
    • Excellent steering stability
    • Improved lateral traction


    • Higher tread depth
    • Better traction and Better life
    • Low soil Compaction