
What is the maximum load my tractor tyres can bear?

Fri, 30 Dec 2022 | PRODUCTS


When investing in new tractor tyres, it’s essential you understand their capabilities, including the maximum load they are designed to carry. Before you next replace your tractor tyres – ‘tractor tyres for sale’ and ‘tractor tyres near me’ are often the most fruitful search terms if looking online at your options – ensure you have matched your selection to your workload before starting to consult tractor tyres’ price lists.

Ensuring the maximum rated load for your tractor’s tyres is not exceeded is critical to both performance and safety. Effective transfer of power to the ground – and therefore the efficient use of fuel – is achievable only with tractor tyres that are not compromised by overloading, which could result in field compaction, bogging of the tractor, tractor tyre slippage on the wheel rim and, potentially, detachment of the tractor tyre from the rim, leading to inconvenience and safety implications in the field, and potentially very dangerous consequences on the road. Whether trailed, semi-mounted or fully-mounted, any implement attached to your tractor will have a direct impact on the loading of the tractor tyres on both rear and front axles. Remember also that the combination of a heavy trailer or implement and the weight of your tractor itself could exceed legal limits.

As part of the coding on the sidewalls of every tractor tyre, a load index code formed of a number (the load index) and a letter (which denotes the maximum speed rating) is clearly displayed. This indicates the maximum load capacity at the maximum speed for which the tractor tyre is rated. This is generally given at a standard pressure of 1.6 bar (23psi). As an example, a figure/letter combination of 173 D would indicate that the tractor tyre is designed to bear a maximum load of 6,500kg at 65km/hr. Load index tables that enable easy identification of the load ratings of individual tractor tyre types and sizes are available from tractor tyre manufacturers.

Newer tractor tyre designs such as increased flexion (IF) and very high flexion (IF) have carcases with greater sidewall flexibility that allows them to bear 20% (IF) or 40% (VF) more weight than the same size standard tractor tyre operating at the same pressure. Consider making the slight additional investment necessary in these types if this additional weight-bearing flexibility would be valuable to your tractor’s typical tasks. Bear in mind that, for tasks where maximum contact area minimum ground pressure are more important, IF and VF tyres alternatively allow the tractor tyre pressures to be lowered by 20% or 40% respectively at the standard load ratings, to lengthen and slightly widen the tyre footprint, without compromising road travel.

Many tractor tyres in the CEAT Specialty range or radial designs are available in IF and VF specification, particularly the flagship Torquemax tractor tyres. When next making an internet search for ‘tractor tyres for sale’ or ‘tractor tyres near me’, or browsing tractor tyres’ price lists, ensure you take into account the load rating of the tractor tyres you select, bearing in mind the typical tasks your tractor will be performing.