
What you need to know before buying sprayer tyres

Thu, 10 Mar 2022 | PRODUCTS


If you are specifying tyres for a new self-propelled sprayer, or renewing the tyres on an existing machine, there are a few things to bear in mind when selecting sprayer tyres and placing an order. Before you enter ‘sprayer tyres near me’ or ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ into a search engine when ordering online, take these tips into account.

Choose tyres specifically designed for self-propelled sprayers

Whether you are selecting standard, flotation or row crop tyres for your self-propelled sprayer, ensure they are specifically designed for the machine and the wheels to which they will be attached. With farmers often now working at wider tramline widths of 24m or even 36m, many are prepared to close off additional drill rows when setting their tramlines and make the tramline blank rows wider, enabling wider tyres to be fitted to the sprayer. Others prefer to use traditional narrow tramline row widths, particularly if working to narrower tramline spacings, and these will be best suited to s sprayer working on row crop sprayer tyres. And, of course, there may be a need for wide flotation tyres for you sprayer, for work in the early stages of a crop, oron grassland.

Assess the lug design of the tyres under consideration

The efficacy of a set of sprayer tyres, particularly the grip and traction they provide, will depend highly on lug format and tread pattern. A stepped lug design enhances grip and traction, particularly on sloping ground and hills, where it will provide maximum security and safety. This type of design will also ensure maximum machine stability, helping maintain an even height across the full width of the boom, which is essential for accurate application. Acentre tie bar, meanwhile, will provide comfortable and safe handling at speed on the road between farm and field. Look also for rounded tyre shoulders that will minimise soil and crop damage, and a high non-skid depth (NSD)that will ensure the longest possible tyre life.

Consider increased or very high flexion tyres for your sprayer

Increased flexion tyres can carry 20% more load than a standard radial, or the same load at 20% lower pressures. Tyres such as the CEAT Spraymax VF go even further, incorporating very high flexion (VF) design technology to enable them to carry 40% more load than a standard radial, or to operate at 40% lower pressures while bearing the same load as a standard radial. This enables the user to carry more weight in order to increase capacity and daily output, or spread the existing weight of the machine over a greater footprint, reducing the overall impact on the soil.

Bear this advice in mind when specifying tyres for a new self-propelled sprayer, or renewing the tyres on an existing machine, when scanning the internet for ‘sprayer tyres near me’ or ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ to order online. These few pointers will help you make the right decision when it comes equipping your sprayer with the best possible tyres for your circumstances.