
When is the right time to change my sprayer tyres?

Fri, 25 Mar 2022 | PRODUCTS


Traditionally, the seasonal nature of their work has meant many self-propelled sprayers are not fitted with new sprayer tyres during their lifetime. However, with farm businesses getting larger, and sprayers spending more time in the field and on the road as a result, this is starting to change. In addition, with more farmers considering used sprayers to counter new machine supply issues, refurbishing a secondhand model has become more attractive, but new sprayer tyres may be required alongside other wearing parts. So before searching the internet for ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ or ‘sprayer tyres near me’, or scanning sprayer tyres’ prices lists, how should you assess whether the sprayer you own or are considering buying needs new sprayer tyres?

Most obviously, the right time to change any self-propelled agricultural vehicle tyres are when they have less than 10% of the original tread remaining. With a self-propelled sprayer, this is particularly important if you farm hilly or steep land. It is vital that your machine is able to transmit its full power to the ground and obtain full traction and braking, given the risk of a grip failure and the potential consequences for operator injury, machine breakage, valuable product loss and environmental damage. The steep your ground, the more important it is that you change worn sprayer tyres well before they reach that critical 10%. As rowcrop sprayer tyres tend to have a longer physical life than more regularly-used tractor tyres, they can be subject to sidewall and/or inter-lug perishing over time, so make regular inspections for this – if it is observed, the sprayer tyres should be replaced before the risk of tyre failure becomes high.

Because of their shallower tread and greater surface area, wide, low ground pressure sprayer tyres for early-season use can be subject to a shorter life than rowcrop sprayer tyres, as they are more flexible than rowcrop types. If you operate such sprayer tyres for all or part of the season, regularly assess the carcase of each sprayer tyre for splits, cracks and perishing. The shallower tread of flotation tyres also means this is worn away more quickly than the chevron tractor-type tread of rowcrop sprayer tyres, and are more likely to become smooth over the lifetime of the machine. Replace such tyres aas soon as tread reaches the 10% level to avoid skid risk on hills.

CEAT Specialty Spraymax VF sprayer tyres have a stepped lug tread design to maximise grip and traction to provide maximum grip and machine safety on hills. A centre tie bar means a smooth road ride, while high non-skid depth aids durability, maximising the life of the sprayer tyre.Rounded shoulders minimise soil and crop damage, and a steel belt design in selected specifications aids puncture protection. These are benefits to remember if needing new sprayer tyres and considering the CEAT Specialty Spraymax, available in 14 sizes to suit 42in, 46in, 50in or 54in wheel rim sizes, and section widths of 380mm or 480mm. When considering new sprayer tyres by searching the internet for ‘sprayer tyres for sale’ or ‘sprayer tyres near me’, or studying sprayer tyres’ price lists, consider these points to ensure you are making the right decision at the right time.